Quotes From "Pretty" By Jillian Lauren

Better to be strong than pretty and useless.
Better to be strong than pretty and useless. Lilith Saintcrow
What's the whole point of being pretty on the outside...
What's the whole point of being pretty on the outside when you’re so ugly on the inside? Jess C. Scott
You don't need to put on make-up to make you...
You don't need to put on make-up to make you look pretty. All you need to do is put on a smile and that will make you pretty in anyone's book. Anthony T. Hincks
When she's sweet. When she's petite. When she's pretty. She's...
When she's sweet. When she's petite. When she's pretty. She's my color pink! Anthony T. Hincks
To utter a word? no that will only heavy the...
To utter a word? no that will only heavy the air you breath, for your eyes speak more then your pretty mouth William Brade
Oh, he did look like a deity — the perfect balance of danger and charm, he was at the same time fascinating and inaccessible, distant because of his demonstrated flawlessness, and possessing such strength of character that he was dismaying and at the same time utterly attractive in an enticing and forbidden way. Simona Panova
The pretty ones are usually unhappy. They expect everyone to be enamored of their beauty. How can a person be content when their happiness lies in someone else's hands, ready to be crushed at any moment? Ordinary-looking people are far superior, because they are forced to actually work hard to achieve their goals, instead of expecting people to fall all over themselves to help them. J. Cornell Michel
Every bride is beautiful. It’s like newborn babies or puppies....
Every bride is beautiful. It’s like newborn babies or puppies. They can’t help it. Emme Rollins
Fashion doesn't make you perfect, but it makes you pretty. Amit Kalantri
Dresses won't worn out in the wardrobe, but that is...
Dresses won't worn out in the wardrobe, but that is not what dresses are designed for. Amit Kalantri
Dresses don't look beautiful on hangers.
Dresses don't look beautiful on hangers. Amit Kalantri
It's time to shop high heels if your fiance kisses...
It's time to shop high heels if your fiance kisses you on the forehead. Amit Kalantri
There is no color to known to beauty except elegance.
There is no color to known to beauty except elegance. Wayne Chirisa
Maybe if I'd agreed to do the debutante thing like she wanted. Or taken up pageants instead of riding jump bikes with a bunch of grungy boys. I'd always tell her, why can't I do both? Who says you have to be either smart or pretty, or into girly stuff or sports? Life shouldn't be about the either/or. We're capable of more than that, you know? Sarah Dessen
When I was growing up we didn't have a massive...
When I was growing up we didn't have a massive house and there were five women running around, so my dad and I had to stick together! Louis Tomlinson
How easily such a thing can become a mania, how the most normal and sensible of women once this passion to be thin is upon them, can lose completely their sense of balance and proportion and spend years dealing with this madness. Kathryn Hurn
Her beauty is untouchable.
Her beauty is untouchable. Erin Fall Haskell
Ô, the wine of a womanfrom heaven is sent, more perfect than allthat a man can invent. When she came to my bed and begged me with sighsnot to tempt her towards passion nor actions unwise, I told her I’d spare her and kissed her closed eyes, then unbraided her body of its clothing disguise. While our bodies were nude bathed in candlelight fine I devoured her mouth, tender lips divine;and I drank through her thighs her feminine wine.Ô, the wine of a woman from heaven is sent, more perfect than all that a man can invent. Roman Payne
No one will come and save you. No one will come riding on a white horse and take all your worries away. You have to save yourself, little by little, day by day. Build yourself a home. Take care of your body. Find something to work on. Something that makes you excited, something you want to learn. Get yourself some books and learn them by heart. Get to know the author, where he grew up, what books he read himself. Take yourself out for dinner. Dress up for no one but you and simply feel nice. it’s a lovely feeling, to feel pretty. You don’t need anyone to confirm it. . Charlotte Eriksson
Ô, the wine of a woman from heaven is sent,...
Ô, the wine of a woman from heaven is sent, more perfect than all that a man can invent. Roman Payne
Instead of being regarded as intelligent or knowledgeable, many a...
Instead of being regarded as intelligent or knowledgeable, many a woman would rather be regarded as beautiful or good in the kitchen; many a man, as handsome or good in bed. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
The girl with a moustache" they called me every now and then" It's about time you wax your arms" those who "cared" said I faced the fears of the dreaded thread on my face To succumb every other week to the world's ways Sanhita Baruah
He noticed that he felt calmer now she was here, still in that grey dress with her dowdy hat, the air around her redolent with orchid oil. Perhaps all women in England had this effect. Perhaps they all smelled of flowers and exuded a calm and measured purpose. He couldn’t remember. Sara Sheridan
Having a purpose is the little secret of the nonpretties....
Having a purpose is the little secret of the nonpretties. Something to do always beats something to look at. Adriana Trigiani
Big don't mean ugly, and thin sho don't mean pretty....
Big don't mean ugly, and thin sho don't mean pretty. If a person wants to be pretty, they gotta walk pretty, talk pretty and act pretty. Can't nobody take pretty from you. Daniel Black
Slowly the truth is loading I'm weighted down with love Snow lying deep and even Strung out and dreaming of Night falling on the city Quite something to behold Don't it just look so pretty This disappearing world We're threading hope like fire Down through the desperate blood Down through the trailing wire Into the leafless wood Night falling on the city Quite something to behold Don't it just look so pretty This disappearing world This disappearing world I'll be sticking right there with it I'll be by your side Sailing like a silver bullet Hit 'em 'tween the eyes Through the smoke and rising water Cross the great divide Baby till it all feels right Night falling on the city Sparkling red and gold Don't it just look so pretty This disappearing world"~ David Gray . David Gray
A couple of them were school beauty-queen pretty while a...
A couple of them were school beauty-queen pretty while a few were that more real-looking type. A realer kind of pretty. Markus Zusak
She really was pretty, for a grown-up person, but when you are seven, beauty is an abstraction, not an imperative. I wonder what I would have done if she had smiled at me like that now: whether I would have handed my mind or my heart or my identify to her for the asking, as my father did. Neil Gaiman
A smile is what makes a face beautiful.
A smile is what makes a face beautiful. Anthony T. Hincks
Why hoard away so many back-issues of People Magazine? Fashion magazines are just empty promises. You can go bankrupt blowing all your cash on expensive beauty products, but the only way you’ll ever look just like the people on those glossy front covers is if you know how to use computer editing software for photographs. Besides, people who think they are ugly, are never really all that ugly anyway. People who think they are pretty, are rarely ever all that pretty. . Rebecca McNutt
Don’t beat yourself up, son. I’m sure there is a...
Don’t beat yourself up, son. I’m sure there is a culture on this spinning ball of dirt where you can be pretty. If not, do rock ‘n roll, or practice words. That shit’s pretty as well. R.X. Bird
She's pretty in a familiar kind of way that I...
She's pretty in a familiar kind of way that I forget to notice, until someone else notices and I'm reminded. Vikki Wakefield
Listen to the sunset...see its pretty hue... When you see...
Listen to the sunset...see its pretty hue... When you see it, think of me...and I'll think of you... Oksana Rus
Female competition is when you are with a guy you like and you look around, see a girl who is prettier than you standing nearby, and think to yourself: "I wish she wasn't here." -This is what happens when you attach your identity and sense of worth to the amount of male attention you receive. Miya Yamanouchi
Sometimes I wonder if we ever truly let anyone completely in. The desire for another human being to know you, all of you, all the pieces, even the ones you’re ashamed of – is huge. But too often, we sit down and sort through the pieces only picking out the pretty ones, leaving the ugly ones behind, not realizing that choosing not to share with someone else is like committing a crime against our very soul . Rachel Van Dyken
You may be married to a star, but that doesn't mean they'll treat you like one. Jess C. Scott
When I left, Lydia was prattling about new clothes for her wedding and expressing her ownsatisfaction that she, the youngest of the Bennet sisters, would be the first of them to be married. Wickham smiled indulgently and said pretty things to her. I, disgusted with them both, was persuaded they deserved each other. Mary Street
It's not a pretty world, Papa.''I've noticed, ' my father said softly. Chaim Potok
I'd like to make a twosome with two handsome trees. Make that a threesome as I'd also include a bush in the package, to keep it low profile. Will Advise
People are prettiest when they smile with joy. Debasish Mridha
You don't have to look nice to be wise. Nadun Lokuliyanage
She was still glad she looked like Scully. He wasn't pretty either, but pretty people weren't the kind you need. Pretty people saw themselves in the mirror and were either too happy or too sad. People like Billie just shrugged and didn't care. She didn't want to turn into anyone pretty. Anyway, she had scars now, you only had to look. Tim Winton
He’s dying! ’ Doctor Cove, one of the ship’s two medical officers told me, looking at his med-scanner as he kneeled at the broken body of the only living Corsair on the black ship. I remember the look on his face as he told me — which seemed more to be puzzlement than actual concern. The man was a Corsair after all, and had injuries I could see, but he was conscious, and none of them looked fatal. But then, I’m no doctor. I never was any good at healing anything — and my job was doing the opposite, and I admit I’m pretty good at it. Always have been. Christina Engela
Have a look around, my pretty, we are surrounded by Death in all forms — just the two of us are still alive — Simona Panova
LED lighting has its place: cold, detached, hollow places like office buildings, factories, fast food chains and public schools - places full of humans but no human emotions. LED lighting really belongs in the apathy of the digital age, where science and technology rules over friendship, love and freedom. Incandescent light bulbs have a warm yellow-orange glow like the glow of a nice fireplace, where friends and family might sit and talk together or where children might open Christmas presents, a glow that can project celluloid films and bring back old memories, a glow that can light the text of a paperback novel. Something that beautiful, with that much power, could never last very long in a time as depressing and uncertain as the 21st century. . Rebecca McNutt
I once began to ask around what constitutes a good poem. It felt petty, in a sense. A boy would need no help in deciding which girls he thinks are pretty. Criss Jami
They're brainless girls, otherwise they wouldn't be seen dead here. They're pretty, with ugly, appealing smiles and conversations we can't hear. They breathe smoke and blow it out, and words drop from their mouths and get crushed to the floor. Or they get discarded, just to glow with warmth for a moment, for someone else to tread on later. Markus Zusak
It is sometimes necessary to use unnecessary words like thank you and please just to make life prettier. E.L. Konigsburg
She was not the sort of woman guys settle for. She was the one they lust after and strive for. She was the one who ruins other people's relationships simply by existing, but she will always be surmounted as guys come to realize the virtues of the approachable girl next door. She was, in brief, too pretty to be trusted or had. Thomm Quackenbush
That's always seemed so ridiculous to me, that people would want to be around someone because they're pretty. It's like picking your breakfast cereals based on color instead of taste. Oscar Wilde
I am convinced that "all ladies are not the same". Some have pretty faces, others have beautiful characters. Some have facial make-ups, others have mental make-ups! Israelmore Ayivor
There are some people who through hurts do not feel they are good enough and this is a destroyer of their self-images. As a true believer of your dream, you need to see yourself as God sees you. God sees you as his own handiwork and that is pretty great to carry you through! Israelmore Ayivor
Ladies and gentlemen, when you paint your lips, eyes, nails, hair, side-beards, or whatever, to look beautiful or handsome, don't forget your up stairs, if you don't go up there to put things in order, then, consider the former attributes null and void. Michael Bassey Johnson
She may not be the prettiest, or the smartest, or the wealthiest at the Academy, but she could be kind. Anyone could be kind. Alleece Balts
That was the thing about her. When you told her about an incident where you so badly screwed up, half expecting her to laugh at you in amusement, half anticipating a smirk of disgust, she would hardly express her pity or maybe she did express what she felt, for she would just nod her head, gesturing you to go on... As if it's normal... As if you're normal. Sanhita Baruah
What every man should desire is an ugly woman with a beautiful heart, not a beautiful woman with an ugly heart. Michael Bassey Johnson
She didn’t care if the world thought she was pretty. All she wanted was that special someone to reach beyond the surface and discover her heart. Terry A ONeal
He thought that fat boys were probably only allowed to love pretty girls inside. If he told anyone how he felt (not that he had anyone to tell), that person would probably laugh until he had a heart-attack. Stephen King
So it's back once more, back up the slope. Why do they always ruin my ropewith their cuts? I felt so ready the other day, Had a real foretaste of eternity In my guts. Spoonfeeding me yet another sipfrom life's cup. I don't want it, won't take any more of it. Let me throw up. Life is medium rare and good, I see, And the world full of soup and bread, But it won't pass into the blood for me, Just goes to my head. It makes me ill, though others it feeds; Do see that I must deny it! For a thousand years from now at least I'm keeping a diet. . Rainer Maria Rilke
He remembered that she was pretty, and, more, that she had a special grace in the intimacy of life. She had the secret of individuality which excites and escapes. Joseph Conrad
There are a thousand beautiful women out there, but only a handful of them possess the grace required by such beauty to stop it from looking ugly. Pawan Mishra
A pretty face and a beautiful body blind a man more quickly than any poker through the eyes. Francine Rivers
Because I think that by beauty, you don't just mean something that's pretty. You mean something that makes us human. Ava Dellaira
She was an ocean, confined in a coffee mug. And she had the galaxies, confined in her pretty eyes. Akshay Vasu
To think I actually talked to the boy who nearly got you killed, " Ivy mutters, shuddering with disgust. "I'm so sorry I did."" It's okay. You didn't know, " I reassure her as we take a seat on some pool chairs." But you told me before what his appearance was. I should have recognized him! "" It's fine, Ivy. Even if you did your best to avoid him, he would've found way to hit on you eventually." Ivy wrinkles her nose at the unfamiliar language. " 'Hit on'? What does that mean?"" Flirting. Or, for Dunstan, more like a procedure. He's been hitting on any pretty girl he sees ever since he and Melanie broke up. I don't know if he's doing this to make her jealous or what, but it's really annoying." I look back up to see Ivy go rigid. For some reason she looks classically surprised; her hand is over her mouth, and the rosy blush is back with a vengeance, " Ivy? You okay?" Ivy removes her hand, muttering something so quietly I can't hear it." Sorry?"" You called me pretty." The moment those words are said, Ivy stares down at her feet as her face gets brighter." Well, yeah, " I murmur, my face hot. "You really are beautiful tonight, Ivy. Colleen Boyd
She had a beautiful face, a beautiful body, but also a distance in her such as he had never met a woman. Larry McMurtry
The greatest danger in finding the right path often lies in here: The right path may look ugly and the wrong path may look beautiful! Mehmet Murat Ildan
I gazed up as if I hadn't heard, but what I was thinking was, tellme more about the pretty girls. I was embarrassed for wanting it, itwas base, what did pretty matter? I had thought that so many timeswith my mother. A person didn't need to be beautiful, they justneeded to be loved. But I couldn't help wanting it. If that was theway I could be loved, to be beautiful, I'd take it. Janet Fitch
She's pretty in a way that distracts me just like she did in the Skiz ring. No, pretty's not the right word. Beautiful. Marie Lu
Because she was so beautiful the huntsman took pity on her, and he said, "Run away, you poor child. Wilhelm Grimm
That's the worst thing they do to you, to any of you. Whatever those brain lesions are all about, the worst damage is done before they even pick up the knife: You're all brainwashed into believing you're ugly. Scott Westerfeld
The sound of her voice was so pretty, it almost disguised the ugliness of her words. Grace Burrowes
The speech of God’s beautiful woman is a fountain of life to those around her. Elizabeth George
Do you think I'm pretty?” He regarded me with utter seriousness, like he always did. "I think you're beautiful.”" Beautiful?”" You are so beautiful, it hurts me sometimes. Richelle Mead
I do not have a beautiful face, soft skin or a pretty smile, but I know how to inspire a bunch of pretty and lovely girls. M.F. Moonzajer
Even pretty faces are mutilated by ugly character Unknown
Where is truth?? Somewhere in the story... somewhere around the facts.- There should be a truth some kind of feature, if there isn't... it goes interesting how in the hell is build a story with a truth... It's pretty interesting journey! Deyth Banger
That's always seemed so ridiculous to me, that people would want to be around someone because they're pretty. It's like picking your breakfast cereals based on color instead of taste. But I'm not pretty, not close up anyway. Generally, the closer people get to me the less hot they find me. John Green
Charlie dear, it is I who have to be proud of you. And I am very, very proud of you. You have called me pretty; and as long as I am pretty in your eyes, I am happy. You, dear old Charlie, are not handsome, but you are good, which is far more noble. Unknown
She'd have the two of them eating out of her shoe. I've watched her in action, but I could never get away with it. And, I console myself, being cute hasn't made her all that happy. Michael Dorris
Not pretty exactly, but gleaming with the loveliness of youth. Juliet Blackwell
I love writing poetry because it's pretty. I love writing pretty. Richelle E. Goodrich
Her problem is with pretty, ” Tennyson said. "She thinks I’ll need all these dresses in college. Like I would ever in a billion years pledge a sorority. I’ll pack a few of these to be ironic, though. I can wear them to, like, truck stops at night with mascara running down my cheeks and stuff. Laura Anderson Kurk
His smiles were hard won, but when they came, they were well worth it. They lit up his face like summer sunshine. The rest of the time, and far more frequently, he seemed lost in winter. And when he laughed, he was a different person. Danielle Steel
As he prepared to ride on, he chuckled at the thought of the wolf entering the sheepfold. He would not ride with fire and destruction. The shepherd did not frighten his own pretty lambs. Conn Iggulden
I don't care to be pretty, " Blue shot back hotly, "I care to look on the outside like I look on the inside. Maggie Stiefvater
Don't you want me to kiss you goodbye, sweetie?"" Kiss a cow farm boy Nora Roberts
We look for pretty girls we can say bad things to. No one shows up. Unknown
I figured I got the prettiest, sweetest, smartest wife ever to be, " he said softly. Jan Holly
You don't need gwiyomi to be cute, you just need self-confidence dear ;D Insyirah
The sun kept dipping down into the ocean and the lights came on at the harbor, casting sudden shadows on the ground, illuminating the faces that were just a second ago silhouettes. The sky was golden and purple, the ocean a darker shade of violet. Adi Alsaid
You’re the prettiest thing I’ve seen fall from the sky today. Shaun Hick
I walked until the water lapped against my chest, and then I kept walking until it kissed the underside of my jaw. I was surprised how cold it was. I closed my eyes and ducked beneath the surface. Thee was the wind and the clouds and the pure pool and the boy beneath its unsettled surface, and the blood, the boy's and monster's, defiling the pool. Rick Yancey
Nice jewelry and a boys corpse. Oh you're so pretty. Koushun Takami
He spotted Jill sitting about thirty feet away, face tipped toward the sun, her straight brown hair tucked behind one ear and slanted across her neck. And Ben decided that when her mouth wasn't full of tuna salad, she was sort of pretty. Andrew Clements
I was about half in love with her by the time we sat down. That's the thing about girls. Every time they do something pretty... you fall half in love with them, and then you never know where the hell you are. J.d. Salinger
He stripped to his trunks, then dove into the pool. We all watched as he broke the surface and climbed from the water, his muscles slick and wet, his green eyes glowing in the half light of the glass ceiling. I heard Natalie and Sara both sigh, and Harry murmur that it almost made him want to go gay. Coby stretched out on a chaise beside me and asked, “So you still sorry you moved here? Lee Nichols
Only, it’s not an it. It’s a her. A zombie. A woman. A zombie woman. She’s older than Janine, closer to my age, maybe early thirties, missing a little bit of her face, but otherwise sort of pretty in a melancholy way. Charles Yu
Goddamnit, in your Love FeverI am suffering from Heart TumorYou must be adept …you Pretty CharmerI am falling for you…in this Indian Summer Heenashree Khandelwal
I need a kid like I need a bad heart. A pretty kid is a ticket to trouble... and I'm too old to ask for that. Shit, I haven't even booked Tommy the Face in two years. I'm turning into a jack-off idiot. Edward Bunker